Deer Proofing for Winter
Brian will go over how to prepare your garden to discourage deer browsing during the winter months. You will also learn what materials are needed and the best practices we have learned throughout our years of trial and error.

Fall Pruning 101
Learn how to properly get your garden ready for winter this fall. Brian will go over how to properly prune and cut back your garden for happy and healthy plants in the spring. Live demonstrations included.

Pollinators in the Garden
Want to attract more pollinators to your yard? We’ll discuss what plants pollinators love and spend time watching them work at the nursery. This is an afternoon program when pollinators are their busiest.

All About Hydrangeas
No other plant genus is as confusing to understand as the hydrangea. We’ll help you get a better understanding of the different varieties and what will work best for your gardens. Click the image to register.

Planting Small
Learn from Brian how to arrange and plant in a small garden space using plants from the nursery. Bring your walking shoes. Click on image to register.

Deer Prevention-SOLD OUT
Join Brian at Four Season Nursery to learn about how to protect your garden from deer. We will show you what we have been using for many years with very good success. Click on image to register.

Learn About Compost
To celebrate Earth Day with Brian at Four Season Nursery. He will discuss compost and the amazing life it holds that gives it superpowers. Click on image to register.